Helpful Articles

Improving Oral Health For Patients With Alzheimer’s Disease Or Related Disorders (ADRD)
In their 2016 report, the Alzheimer’s Association found that a staggering 5.4 million Americans are currently suffering from Alzheimer’s disease or related disorders (ADRD). This number is projected to skyrocket

Tips for Senior Care Financing
Life Insurance to Fund Long Term Care Many seniors have funds invested in a life insurance policy but need ready money once there’s a change in a health status or
Remember When
Remember when . . . Neighbours knew one another? In many cases, today’s city dwellers don’t know the names of their neighbours. They may exchange a smile or a quick
Past, Present, and Future
Days Gone By Your first bike. Your first day of school. Your first kiss. The list of fond remembrances likely stretches on and on. And whether you’re lonely or unwell

A Non-Traditional Scavenger Hunt
Do you remember the wonderful games you played at children’s birthday parties and summer camp? Perhaps, you had the opportunity to go on a scavenger hunt or two in your